首页> 外文OA文献 >Penegakan Hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Satwa Liar yang Dilindungi Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya (Studi Kasus terhadap Perdagangan Burung Paruh Enggang di Provinsi Kalimanta

Penegakan Hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Satwa Liar yang Dilindungi Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 Tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya (Studi Kasus terhadap Perdagangan Burung Paruh Enggang di Provinsi Kalimanta



This thesis discusses the enforcement of the crime of trafficking in wildlife According to Law No. 5 of 1990 about Conservation of Biological Resources and their Ecosystems (Case Study Part Hornbill Bird Against Trafficking In West Kalimantan). The method used in this research is normative juridical approach. From the results of this thesis can be concluded that law enforcement is carried out by BKSDA West Kalimantan against law violations KSDAHE not run optimally. This is because the results of the field shows that there are still many traders who sell animals that belong to the category of animals are protected by laws – laws. West Kalimantan Province not providing socialization and education to traders on the characteristics and types of animals, including protected by laws - laws, a lack of intensity BKSDA West Kalimantan Province in examinations in the means bird markets in West Kalimantan. Constraints faced by BKSDA West Kalimantan Province in tackling violations of the law is an obstacle KSDAHE internal and external constraints. Internal constraints include the limited number and competence of labor better, minimn yes infrastructure and limited funding.While the external constraints include a lack of knowledge of the traders regarding the types and characteristics of animals protected by law, the lack of public awareness for not keeping animals that are protected because it could be considered as a means of raising the prestige, terindikasikan found leakage of information a raid by a person who is not to be responsible. Efforts BKSDA West Kalimantan Province in overcoming the obstacles encountered in tackling pelanggararan Act KSDAHE in Kalbar is the effort to overcome the internal constraints in addressing the problem of limited manpower, infrastructure and funds, BKSDA Kalbar doing filing work force, means infrastructures and funds to the forestry ministry. Meanwhile, to overcome the constraints of the limited workforce has better competence is by way of the workforce training.Efforts to overcome external obstacles to overcome external constraints, BKSDA Kalbar gave counseling to the traders there are birds in the area West Kalimantan and community outreach animal lovers to cooperate with BKSDA then do a cross-sector cooperation. Recommendations For BKSDA West Kalimantan to reinforce the implementation of the sanctions for the perpetrators of violations of the laws KSDAHE so as to improve public awareness and traders will be the importance of conserving birds of the species that exist Kalbar. BKSDA in enforcing the law in a preventive, should further increase the intensity of supervision, which is expected to oversight conducted by one (1) month of two (2) times, in order to cope with violations of the laws KSDAHE. For lovers of protected wildlife and traders to be more concerned over the sustainability of the species that exist in the provision ordinance, and not memperniagakan types of animals protected by law KSDAHE.
机译:本文根据1990年关于保护生物资源及其生态系统的第5号法律(案例研究部分,在西加里曼丹省打击犀鸟鸟类)讨论了贩运野生动植物罪的执行情况。本研究中使用的方法是规范性的司法方法。从本论文的结果可以得出结论,BKSDA西加里曼丹市对违法行为进行了执法。这是因为该领域的结果表明,仍然有许多交易者出售属于动物类别的动物,并受到法律(法律)的保护。西加里曼丹省不向商人提供有关动物的特征和类型的社会化和教育,包括受法律保护的法律-法律,西加里曼丹省BKSDA缺乏对西加里曼丹省禽类市场的检查强度。 BKSDA西加里曼丹省在处理违反法律方面面临的制约是KSDAHE内部和外部制约的障碍。内部制约因素包括有限的劳动力数量和更好的能力,最小的基础设施建设和有限的资金。尽管外部制约因素包括交易者对受法律保护的动物的种类和特征的了解不足,但公众对于不饲养动物的认识不足。由于被认为是一种提高声望的手段而受到保护的动物,terindikasikan发现信息泄露是由不负责任的人员进行的突袭。 BKSDA西加里曼丹省克服在克服卡尔邦《皮兰加拉兰法》中遇到的障碍是努力克服内部局限性,以解决人力,基础设施和资金有限的问题。林业部。同时,为了克服有限的劳动力有更好的能力的局限性,需要通过劳动力培训。为克服外部障碍克服外部约束的努力,BKSDA Kalbar向商人提供咨询服务,该交易员在加里曼丹西部地区有鸟类和社区外展动物爱好者可以与BKSDA合作,然后进行跨行业合作。建议BKSDA西加里曼丹州加强对违反KSDAHE的行为者的制裁措施,以提高公众意识,商人将是保护保存Kalbar种鸟类的重要。 BKSDA在执行预防性法律时,应进一步加强监督力度,预期将对监督进行一(1)个月的两(2)次监督,以应对违反KSDAHE的行为。对于保护野生动物的爱好者和商人,他们应更加关注该规定中存在的物种的可持续性,而不是受KSDAHE法律保护的灭绝性动物。



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